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Pharmaceutical Name
 Radix Curcumae
Botanical Name
 1. Curcuma longa L.; 2. C. aromatica salisb.; 3. Curcuma zedoaria Rosc.; 4. Curcuma kwangsiensis S. Lee et C. F. Liang
Common Name
 Curcuma root
Source of Earliest Record
 Xinxiu Bencao
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations
 The tuberous roots are dug in autumn or winter. After removing the fibrous roots, the roots are cleaned, boiled, dried in the sun and cut into slices.
Properties & Taste
 Pungent, bitter and cold
 Heart, liver and gall bladder
 1. To invigorate blood and stop pain; 2. To promote qi circulation and release stagnation; 3. To cool blood and clear heat in the heart; 4. To relieve jaundice and facilitate gall bladder function
Indications & Combinations

1. Qi and blood stagnation (a) pain in the chest, abdominal or hypochondriac
regionsCurcuma root (Yujin) is used with Red sage root (Danshen), Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu),
Bupleurum root (Chaihu) and Bitter orange (Zhiqiao); (b) dysmenorrhea due to qi and
blood stagnation. Curcuma root (Yujin) is used with Bupleurum root (Chaihu), Cyperus
tuber (Xiangfu), White peony root (Baishao) and Chinese angelica root (Danggui).
2. Mental derangement due to interior damp-warm attacking. Curcuma root (Yujin) is
used with Grass-leaved sweetflag (Shichangpu) in the formula Changpu Yujin Tang.
3. Jaundice due to interior accumulation of damp-heat. Curcuma root (Yujin) is used
with Oriental wormwood (Yinchenhao) and Capejasmine (Zhizi).
 6-12 g
Cautions & Contraindications
 This herb should not be combined with Cloves (Dingxiang).
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